Saturday, February 21, 2009

Homemade hand grenade mp3 player

do u ever think about to own a coolest hand grenade mp3 player, it's impossible, isn't it?
dont be sad, now let me tell you how to make it...
first, to find or buy an old dummy test grenade, and put the MP3 player as the first pic above in it...hoho...
Pretty awesome looking thus far!
ok, if you really need more info, pls go and check this crasy guy's flickr

coolest HI-FI

dont know what the hell is going, Qed boys must be very boring, but we have to admit...this staff is really cool just get your Ipod or other earphone in it, God knows what will happened...

Hottest hair style 2009

you know what, it's hard to get the hottest hair style in this curious world...
but, through this cute UNCOMB, you can be the hottest one...
hey guys, just get it and I pretty sure this will drive gals crazy...
Design: Martí Guixé for The Original Cha-Cha Ltd
more info.

Be cool, take this Blister home...

I know many of you guys don’t take very kindly to ideas that proclaim to be GREEN, but for your further generation, lets give this Blister Radio a chance to explain itself. Replacing the usual injection-molded casing with vacuum-formed packaging components, this little fella’ is made from PLA, you know that? SO PLA is polylactide, for the uninitiated, PLA is biodegradable, thermoplastic, aliphatic polyester got from renewable resources like cornstarch and sugarcane.

As expected of a radio, all elementary essentials are present to make you music-happy.
As expected of a green gadget, it sports a solar panel at the back to juice it up!
As expected there will be a barrage of comments after the post rubbishing the green element!

so come on, from now on, take this Blister home and be cool...

need more info? check out the father of Blister:Klaus Rosburg

little secret aboooout Klaus Rosburg,
Despite the fact that his name is relatively unknown to a large number of people, Klaus Rosburg is an award-winning, commercially successful industrial designer and a principal of Sonic Design Solutions, a New York-based design studio specializing in the development of consumer electronics, appliances, medical equipment and structural packaging.